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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 683, Issue 1,
Pages 3-131 (9 August 1996)

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Probing soft polymeric coatings of a capillary by atomic force microscopy, Pages 3-13
Riccardo Barberi, Jean Jacques Bonvent, Roberto Bartolino, Johan Roeraade, Laura Capelli and Pier Giorgio Righetti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (731 K)

Enantiomeric separations of basic pharmaceutical drugs by micellar electrokinetic chromatography using a chiral surfactant, N-dodecoxycarbonylvaline, Pages 15-28
Alicia G. Peterson, Eric S. Ahuja and Joe P. Foley
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (710 K)

Micellar electrokinetic chromatography in zero-electroosmotic flow environment, Pages 29-35
George M. Janini, Gary M. Muschik and Haleem J. Issaq
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (425 K)

Effects of bile salt structure on chiral separations with mixed micelles of bile salts and polyoxyethylene ethers using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Pages 37-45
James G. Clothier Jr., Lisa M. Daley and Sterling A. Tomellini
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (553 K)

Investigation of a pulsed-laser thermo-optical absorbance detector for the determination of food preservatives separated by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 47-54
Karen C. Waldron and Li Jianjun
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (462 K)

Capillary electrophoresis for clinical problem solving: analysis of urinary diagnostic metabolites and serum proteins, Pages 55-65
Egil Jellum, Herman Dollekamp and Cynthia Blessum
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (490 K)

Drug identification in biological matrices using capillary electrophoresis and chemometric software, Pages 67-76
K. A. Lilley and T. E. Wheat
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (401 K)

Design and optimization of a capillary electrophoretic mobility shift assay involving trp repressor-DNA complexes, Pages 77-84
Michael A. Stebbins, Arthur M. Hoyt, Michael J. Sepaniak and Barry K. Hurlburt
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (517 K)

Measurement of 60Co- ray-induced DNA damage by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 85-89
Zeena Nackerdien and Donald Atha
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (249 K)

Analysis of laser-induced plasmid DNA photolysis by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 91-96
Zeena Nackerdien, Sam Morris, Steven Choquette, Brigitte Ramos and Donald Atha
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (287 K)

Use of capillary zone electrophoresis for analysis of imidodipeptides in urine of prolidase-deficient patients, Pages 97-107
G. Zanaboni, R. Grimm, K. M. Dyne, A. Rossi, G. Cetta and P. Iadarola
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (457 K)

Automated polymerase chain reaction product sample preparation for capillary electrophoresis analysis, Pages 109-114
Phillip Belgrader, Joseph M. Devaney, Susie A. Del Rio, Kelly A. Turner, Kristal R. Weaver and Michael A. Marino
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (299 K)

Analysis of ibuprofen in serum by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 115-118
Z. K. Shihabi and M. E. Hinsdale
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (143 K)

Serum lamotrigine analysis by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 119-123
Z. K. Shihabi and K. S. Oles
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (194 K)

Analysis of cathepsin D from breast tissues by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 125-131
Z. K. Shihabi and T. E. Kute
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (228 K)


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